Medical Weight Loss

Long-lasting weight loss that starts with a focus on you.

Achieve your weight loss goals with results you can see and feel in your everyday lifestyle.


Medical Weight Loss

Long-lasting weight loss that starts with a focus on you.

Achieve your weight loss goals with results you can see and feel in your everyday lifestyle.


Why Nuviva?

Why Nuviva?

Losing weight isn’t just about seeing changes on the scale. It’s about having the energy to play with your kids or spend time doing what you love. At Nuviva, we not only help you finally see the weight loss results you’ve been looking for, but also get you back to feeling your best.

No matter the amount of weight you have to lose or where you’re starting from, our team of weight loss specialists work with you to develop a personalized plan. No fad diets, no extreme activity - a customized weight loss program designed specifically for you.

With Nuviva, you’ll work with a qualified weight loss doctor and your personal nutrition coach to focus on long-term health and wellness while getting you results you can see in the mirror. And, you’ll never have to face questions or challenges alone. Whether you need a boost of motivation or quick answers to your nutrition questions, we’re with you every step of the way towards your weight loss goals.




This FDA approved Glucagon-like peptide- 1 (GLP-1) is a powerful medication that can help reduce appetite and food intake, helping you eat less while feeling full by slowing gastric emptying. It has also been shown to lower blood sugar, improve Hemoglobin A1C and control cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Semaglutide is a powerful tool when wanting to follow a low-calorie diet.

LEARN MORE about Semaglutide


Approved by the FDA for both diabetes and weight loss. Tirzepatide is a combination of a Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). Tirzepatide can help to reduce blood sugar, lower Hemoglobin A1C, reduce appetite, slow down gastric emptying, and control cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Tirzepatide has been proven to deliver up to 22.5% weight loss in overweight and obese individuals in the SURMOUNT-1 clinical trial over a 72-week study.

LEARN MORE about Tirzepatide


We offer fat burning peptides and growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRPs). Fat burning peptide have been shown to help improve metabolism, increase lean muscle, and provide anti-aging benefits. GHRPs offer numerous benefits including decreasing body fat, improving sleep, increase your resting metabolic rate to additional anti-aging benefits.

B12/MIC (Methionine, Inositol, Choline) Injection

B12/MIC is an injection of vitamins and amino acids that is an important part of the Nuviva medical weight loss program. It ensures your bogy receives all the necessary nutrients and helps increase energy while burning fat.

LEARN MORE about B12

Wellness Shots

We offer a variety of add on wellness shots that help to improve your immune system, increase energy, and also provide anti-aging benefits.
• Glutathione
• NAD+
• Vit D3
• Tri-Immune



Phentermine (Fastin, Adipex) is a prescription-only, FDA approved medication that is approved for short term use as an appetite suppressant for the management of obesity. Phentermine has been available on the market since the 1950s. It works for weight loss by telling your brain that you are not hungry.



I wanted someone to help me navigate how to gain and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have been through other nutritional counseling before. I found the Nuviva program to be much more realistic.

I travel a lot, both domestically and internationally. I found that the food choices I was guided towards were easier for me to maintain while I am on the road, living out of hotels and traveling.

One of the other reasons I was interested in Nuviva was that I noticed not only do they work wth people that are trying to lose weight or have weight related medical issues, but they also work with people who are physically active. I do a lot of long distance running and participate in several marathons a year. Maintaining the right level of nutrition during the training and the marathons is key. Nuviva helped me increase my performance through their nutritional guidance.

One of the benefits I wasn’t expecting was that through proper nutrition I was able to get off the statins I was taking for cholesterol, at my doctor’s recommendation. He’s quite pleased with my blood work and quite excited to keep me on the program.

Nina B.

I could tell Nuviva was differt.

I’ve lost 40 lbs in four months.

Before Nuviva I had tried several different things but they all gave me short term results. I had tried a low carb diet, pre-packaged food and different types of activities and exercise.

I never used to weigh myself. It was the moment I looked at pictures of myself and I didn’t like what I saw that I decided to make a change. I could tell Nuviva was different from the beginning. And it worked!


I wanted a different life.

I’ve lost 44 lbs in four months.

Before Nuviva I always felt tired, I had no activity during my day. I was making very bad food choices and I was very inactive. I came to Nuviva because I wanted a different life. I wanted to feel better and look better.

My experience at Nuviva was great. The staff is very friendly and encouraging. They were congratulatory when I had a good week and help when I didn’t have a good week.

Nuviva taught me how to eat right portion control. It taught me not only what to eat but how to keep the weight off for the long run. That’s the most important part. The things I’ve learned at Nuviva are going to stick with me for the rest of my life.

Tiffany B.

I am 44 and started to feel like I was in my sixties.

I’m 44 years old. I have two kids, 5 and 11. Let’s just say I started to feel like I was in my sixties with two kids. I was almost 207 pounds and did not have the stamina to go through my day, as well as after school and the other activities. I’ve lost 60 pounds.

Versus other programs, I felt Nuviva was more of a lifestyle change and it is educational based. While other programs will tell you to eat this shake or eat this bar. Well, what are you going to do afterwards? Are you still going to eat that shake or eat that bar any longer? No, you’re not. What I found with Nuviva is it is more of an education in nutrition, you learn the basic fundamentals. You’re going to learn how to step off and into the next phase of your life.

Krista P.

I lost 100 lbs.

I had a lot of medical issues and all of these issues were traced back to me being so overweight. I was in my early twenties and decided it was time for change.

I am a teacher and I work with small kids. I found myself tired all the time and not able to keep up with the kids. I can do my job in a way I never thought I could before.

The team at Nuviva was so supportive. I loved the accountability. I loved the support. I loved being able to set a goal for myself and just take it week by week. We’d aim for three to four pounds a week and I didn’t feel the pressure of trying to lose 100 pounds all at once. Without the support from the Nuviva team, I don’t think I would have been able to do it.

Nuviva is different from other programs. It’s not a diet. It’s a lifestyle change and what I have learned here will always be a part of my life. Nuviva isn’t a strict diet with limited food options. I was taught how to count calories, how to make sure I have the right amounts of healthy fats, protein and fiber in my diet. I will use these tools for the rest of my life.

I would recommend Nuviva to anyone who wants to lose weight; whether its 10 pounds or 100 pounds. This is also coming from someone who when I first walked into the clinic, I told Dana I was going to lose 20 pounds and this wasn’t going to work. 100 pounds later, here I am. Because this is a program that really works.

How fast will I lose weight on the program?

Traditional weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week, but we commonly see those who follow our guidelines lose even more depending on their overall weight and how far they are from their weight loss goal.

Am I guaranteed to lose weight with Nuviva?

At Nuviva, we do not guarantee weight loss. Our program is designed to allow every client the opportunity to work with our staff to lose as much weight as they safely can if they are following the program. We do not require any contracts or take any upfront fees. If you’re not losing weight, you can discontinue your service with us at any time. We want to help you lose as much as you safely can and will guide you with as much education and support as possible. We want you to be able to stop at any time if you feel we are not the right fit for you.

Do I have to count calories?

The Nuviva weight loss program consists of five unique phases. Each phase has a different approach to dieting. In some phases, calorie counting is necessary, and in other phases, macronutrients are counted. By learning how to monitor both calories and macros, our program sets you up to identify better food choices in the future.

Do I have to come every week?

Part of what Nuviva offers is accountability. Without weekly check-ins, we are not able to provide that accountability for you to make sure you see consistent progress. We can allow certain exceptions but recommend you speak with the coach at your clinic to work out an accountability schedule. We do offer virtual visits as well if you can’t make it to one of our locations in person. A coach will work with you from the comfort of your own home.

How long is the program?

As long you need or want! We do not have long-term contacts. Our program runs one week at a time. You tell us when you are happy and have achieved your goal!

Does the program work for everyone?

Almost every person who sticks to the Nuviva program sees results. In rare scenarios, such as having a specific medical condition that first needs to be addressed, results may vary. However, everyone can benefit from eating a healthier diet.

Do you help children?

We can help those under the age of 18, but it requires a parent’s authorization.

Do I have to take the medications?

No. Weight loss medications are provided as part of our all-inclusive program, but they are not required.

What is included in the program?

Nuviva offers an all-inclusive program. That includes all weight loss supplements, medications (appetite suppressant, peptides, Vitamin B12/MIC), nutritional coaching services, blood work, EKG and doctor exam.

What makes Nuviva different or better than other programs?

With Nuviva, you are not just a number. You work one-on-one with our nutrition coach to customize the program to your needs. Plus, our program is all-inclusive, so you are not surprised with hidden costs.

Nuviva is based on eating real food to lose weight and is not focused on prepackage or frozen meals. With a highly effective diet plans, we also include multiple nutrition options, so you don’t get tired of eating the same foods.

Finally, we teach you how to lose the weight AND keep it off!

Do you provide food?

No, our patients see the best long-term success when they learn how to shop, prepare, and cook healthier food for themselves.

Will I see a medical provider?

Yes, you will meet with one of our medical practitioners to make sure you are healthy enough for the program, medications, and supplements.

Which weight loss plan is best?

There is no perfect weight loss plan for everyone. That is why we offer a five-phase program, so our team of specialists can help you find the best weight loss strategy for you.

Do weight loss pills work?

Weight loss pills (also known as appetite suppressants) are great for lowering your appetite and helping you make good decisions when trying to reach your goals.

What is Semaglutide and how does it work for weight loss?

Semaglutide is a medication that works mimicking a hormone in the body that regulates blood sugar levels. It works by reducing appetite and increasing feelings of fullness, leading to lower food intake and weight loss.

Will I be hungry while using the Semaglutide or Tirzepatide injections?

The goal of both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide is to reduce your hunger, help you feel full faster and help to control cravings. It is still necessary to eat while using these medications to maintain muscle mass and a healthy metabolism. We do not recommend using so much that you have no appetite.

Will I feel sick or nauseous while using Semaglutide or Tirzepatide?

Feeling nauseous is one of the common side effects of either of these GLP-1 medications but taking the correct amount can help to mitigate that feeling. Our staff will work with you each week to help you determine the correct dose to avoid the unwanted side effects while still benefiting from the many weight loss focused benefits they offer. We do offer antinausea medications like Zofran if they are needed.

Is Semaglutide safe for long-term use?

Semaglutide has been shown to be safe for long-term use in clinical trials. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new medication to ensure it is safe and appropriate for you.

How soon can I expect to see results with Semaglutide?

Results with Semaglutide can vary from person to person, but many individuals may start to see weight loss within the first few weeks of starting the medication.

Are there any side effects associated with taking Semaglutide?

Some common side effects associated with taking Semaglutide include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. These side effects typically subside over time as the body adjusts to the medication.

Can Semaglutide be used in combination with other weight loss medications?

Semaglutide can be used in combination with other weight loss medications, but it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure there are no interactions or contraindications

What is Tirzepatide and how does it differ from Semaglutide?

Tirzepatide is another weight loss medication that works by a different mechanism than Semaglutide. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduce appetite.

Is Tirzepatide more effective for weight loss than Semaglutide?

The effectiveness of Tirzepatide for weight loss compared to Semaglutide may vary from person to person. Both medications have been shown to be effective in clinical trials.

Are there any specific dietary guidelines to follow while taking Tirzepatide?

There may be specific dietary guidelines to follow while taking Tirzepatide, such as avoiding high-fat or high-calorie foods. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or nutritionist for personalized recommendations

How often do I need to take Tirzepatide for optimal results?

The frequency of taking Tirzepatide may vary depending on the individual’s needs and goals. It is important to follow the prescribed dosing schedule provided by a healthcare provider.

Why Nuviva?

Why Nuviva?

Losing weight isn’t just about seeing changes on the scale. It’s about having the energy to play with your kids or spend time doing what you love. At Nuviva, we not only help you finally see the weight loss results you’ve been looking for, but also get you back to feeling your best.

No matter the amount of weight you have to lose or where you’re starting from, our team of weight loss specialists work with you to develop a personalized plan. No fad diets, no extreme activity - a customized weight loss program designed specifically for you.

With Nuviva, you’ll work with a qualified weight loss doctor and your personal nutrition coach to focus on long-term health and wellness while getting you results you can see in the mirror. And, you’ll never have to face questions or challenges alone. Whether you need a boost of motivation or quick answers to your nutrition questions, we’re with you every step of the way towards your weight loss goals.




This FDA approved Glucagon-like peptide- 1 (GLP-1) is a powerful medication that can help reduce appetite and food intake, helping you eat less while feeling full by slowing gastric emptying. It has also been shown to lower blood sugar, improve Hemoglobin A1C and control cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Semaglutide is a powerful tool when wanting to follow a low-calorie diet.

LEARN MORE about Semaglutide


Approved by the FDA for both diabetes and weight loss. Tirzepatide is a combination of a Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). Tirzepatide can help to reduce blood sugar, lower Hemoglobin A1C, reduce appetite, slow down gastric emptying, and control cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Tirzepatide has been proven to deliver up to 22.5% weight loss in overweight and obese individuals in the SURMOUNT-1 clinical trial over a 72-week study.

LEARN MORE about Tirzepatide


We offer fat burning peptides and growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRPs). Fat burning peptide have been shown to help improve metabolism, increase lean muscle, and provide anti-aging benefits. GHRPs offer numerous benefits including decreasing body fat, improving sleep, increase your resting metabolic rate to additional anti-aging benefits.

B12/MIC (Methionine, Inositol, Choline) Injection

B12/MIC is an injection of vitamins and amino acids that is an important part of the Nuviva medical weight loss program. It ensures your bogy receives all the necessary nutrients and helps increase energy while burning fat.

LEARN MORE about B12

Wellness Shots

We offer a variety of add on wellness shots that help to improve your immune system, increase energy, and also provide anti-aging benefits.
• Glutathione
• NAD+
• Vit D3
• Tri-Immune



Phentermine (Fastin, Adipex) is a prescription-only, FDA approved medication that is approved for short term use as an appetite suppressant for the management of obesity. Phentermine has been available on the market since the 1950s. It works for weight loss by telling your brain that you are not hungry.



I wanted someone to help me navigate how to gain and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have been through other nutritional counseling before. I found the Nuviva program to be much more realistic.

I travel a lot, both domestically and internationally. I found that the food choices I was guided towards were easier for me to maintain while I am on the road, living out of hotels and traveling.

One of the other reasons I was interested in Nuviva was that I noticed not only do they work wth people that are trying to lose weight or have weight related medical issues, but they also work with people who are physically active. I do a lot of long distance running and participate in several marathons a year. Maintaining the right level of nutrition during the training and the marathons is key. Nuviva helped me increase my performance through their nutritional guidance.

One of the benefits I wasn’t expecting was that through proper nutrition I was able to get off the statins I was taking for cholesterol, at my doctor’s recommendation. He’s quite pleased with my blood work and quite excited to keep me on the program.

Nina B.

I could tell Nuviva was differt.

I’ve lost 40 lbs in four months.

Before Nuviva I had tried several different things but they all gave me short term results. I had tried a low carb diet, pre-packaged food and different types of activities and exercise.

I never used to weigh myself. It was the moment I looked at pictures of myself and I didn’t like what I saw that I decided to make a change. I could tell Nuviva was different from the beginning. And it worked!


I wanted a different life.

I’ve lost 44 lbs in four months.

Before Nuviva I always felt tired, I had no activity during my day. I was making very bad food choices and I was very inactive. I came to Nuviva because I wanted a different life. I wanted to feel better and look better.

My experience at Nuviva was great. The staff is very friendly and encouraging. They were congratulatory when I had a good week and help when I didn’t have a good week.

Nuviva taught me how to eat right portion control. It taught me not only what to eat but how to keep the weight off for the long run. That’s the most important part. The things I’ve learned at Nuviva are going to stick with me for the rest of my life.

Tiffany B.

I am 44 and started to feel like I was in my sixties.

I’m 44 years old. I have two kids, 5 and 11. Let’s just say I started to feel like I was in my sixties with two kids. I was almost 207 pounds and did not have the stamina to go through my day, as well as after school and the other activities. I’ve lost 60 pounds.

Versus other programs, I felt Nuviva was more of a lifestyle change and it is educational based. While other programs will tell you to eat this shake or eat this bar. Well, what are you going to do afterwards? Are you still going to eat that shake or eat that bar any longer? No, you’re not. What I found with Nuviva is it is more of an education in nutrition, you learn the basic fundamentals. You’re going to learn how to step off and into the next phase of your life.

Krista P.

I lost 100 lbs.

I had a lot of medical issues and all of these issues were traced back to me being so overweight. I was in my early twenties and decided it was time for change.

I am a teacher and I work with small kids. I found myself tired all the time and not able to keep up with the kids. I can do my job in a way I never thought I could before.

The team at Nuviva was so supportive. I loved the accountability. I loved the support. I loved being able to set a goal for myself and just take it week by week. We’d aim for three to four pounds a week and I didn’t feel the pressure of trying to lose 100 pounds all at once. Without the support from the Nuviva team, I don’t think I would have been able to do it.

Nuviva is different from other programs. It’s not a diet. It’s a lifestyle change and what I have learned here will always be a part of my life. Nuviva isn’t a strict diet with limited food options. I was taught how to count calories, how to make sure I have the right amounts of healthy fats, protein and fiber in my diet. I will use these tools for the rest of my life.

I would recommend Nuviva to anyone who wants to lose weight; whether its 10 pounds or 100 pounds. This is also coming from someone who when I first walked into the clinic, I told Dana I was going to lose 20 pounds and this wasn’t going to work. 100 pounds later, here I am. Because this is a program that really works.

How fast will I lose weight on the program?

Traditional weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week, but we commonly see those who follow our guidelines lose even more depending on their overall weight and how far they are from their weight loss goal.

Am I guaranteed to lose weight with Nuviva?

At Nuviva, we do not guarantee weight loss. Our program is designed to allow every client the opportunity to work with our staff to lose as much weight as they safely can if they are following the program. We do not require any contracts or take any upfront fees. If you’re not losing weight, you can discontinue your service with us at any time. We want to help you lose as much as you safely can and will guide you with as much education and support as possible. We want you to be able to stop at any time if you feel we are not the right fit for you.

Do I have to count calories?

The Nuviva weight loss program consists of five unique phases. Each phase has a different approach to dieting. In some phases, calorie counting is necessary, and in other phases, macronutrients are counted. By learning how to monitor both calories and macros, our program sets you up to identify better food choices in the future.

Do I have to come every week?

Part of what Nuviva offers is accountability. Without weekly check-ins, we are not able to provide that accountability for you to make sure you see consistent progress. We can allow certain exceptions but recommend you speak with the coach at your clinic to work out an accountability schedule. We do offer virtual visits as well if you can’t make it to one of our locations in person. A coach will work with you from the comfort of your own home.

How long is the program?

As long you need or want! We do not have long-term contacts. Our program runs one week at a time. You tell us when you are happy and have achieved your goal!

Does the program work for everyone?

Almost every person who sticks to the Nuviva program sees results. In rare scenarios, such as having a specific medical condition that first needs to be addressed, results may vary. However, everyone can benefit from eating a healthier diet.

Do you help children?

We can help those under the age of 18, but it requires a parent’s authorization.

Do I have to take the medications?

No. Weight loss medications are provided as part of our all-inclusive program, but they are not required.

What is included in the program?

Nuviva offers an all-inclusive program. That includes all weight loss supplements, medications (appetite suppressant, peptides, Vitamin B12/MIC), nutritional coaching services, blood work, EKG and doctor exam.

What makes Nuviva different or better than other programs?

With Nuviva, you are not just a number. You work one-on-one with our nutrition coach to customize the program to your needs. Plus, our program is all-inclusive, so you are not surprised with hidden costs.

Nuviva is based on eating real food to lose weight and is not focused on prepackage or frozen meals. With a highly effective diet plans, we also include multiple nutrition options, so you don’t get tired of eating the same foods.

Finally, we teach you how to lose the weight AND keep it off!

Do you provide food?

No, our patients see the best long-term success when they learn how to shop, prepare, and cook healthier food for themselves.

Will I see a medical provider?

Yes, you will meet with one of our medical practitioners to make sure you are healthy enough for the program, medications, and supplements.

Which weight loss plan is best?

There is no perfect weight loss plan for everyone. That is why we offer a five-phase program, so our team of specialists can help you find the best weight loss strategy for you.

Do weight loss pills work?

Weight loss pills (also known as appetite suppressants) are great for lowering your appetite and helping you make good decisions when trying to reach your goals.

What is Semaglutide and how does it work for weight loss?

Semaglutide is a medication that works mimicking a hormone in the body that regulates blood sugar levels. It works by reducing appetite and increasing feelings of fullness, leading to lower food intake and weight loss.

Will I be hungry while using the Semaglutide or Tirzepatide injections?

The goal of both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide is to reduce your hunger, help you feel full faster and help to control cravings. It is still necessary to eat while using these medications to maintain muscle mass and a healthy metabolism. We do not recommend using so much that you have no appetite.

Will I feel sick or nauseous while using Semaglutide or Tirzepatide?

Feeling nauseous is one of the common side effects of either of these GLP-1 medications but taking the correct amount can help to mitigate that feeling. Our staff will work with you each week to help you determine the correct dose to avoid the unwanted side effects while still benefiting from the many weight loss focused benefits they offer. We do offer antinausea medications like Zofran if they are needed.

Is Semaglutide safe for long-term use?

Semaglutide has been shown to be safe for long-term use in clinical trials. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new medication to ensure it is safe and appropriate for you.

How soon can I expect to see results with Semaglutide?

Results with Semaglutide can vary from person to person, but many individuals may start to see weight loss within the first few weeks of starting the medication.

Are there any side effects associated with taking Semaglutide?

Some common side effects associated with taking Semaglutide include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. These side effects typically subside over time as the body adjusts to the medication.

Can Semaglutide be used in combination with other weight loss medications?

Semaglutide can be used in combination with other weight loss medications, but it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure there are no interactions or contraindications

What is Tirzepatide and how does it differ from Semaglutide?

Tirzepatide is another weight loss medication that works by a different mechanism than Semaglutide. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduce appetite.

Is Tirzepatide more effective for weight loss than Semaglutide?

The effectiveness of Tirzepatide for weight loss compared to Semaglutide may vary from person to person. Both medications have been shown to be effective in clinical trials.

Are there any specific dietary guidelines to follow while taking Tirzepatide?

There may be specific dietary guidelines to follow while taking Tirzepatide, such as avoiding high-fat or high-calorie foods. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or nutritionist for personalized recommendations

How often do I need to take Tirzepatide for optimal results?

The frequency of taking Tirzepatide may vary depending on the individual’s needs and goals. It is important to follow the prescribed dosing schedule provided by a healthcare provider.

Why Nuviva?

Why Nuviva?

Losing weight isn’t just about seeing changes on the scale. It’s about having the energy to play with your kids or spend time doing what you love. At Nuviva, we not only help you finally see the weight loss results you’ve been looking for, but also get you back to feeling your best.

No matter the amount of weight you have to lose or where you’re starting from, our team of weight loss specialists work with you to develop a personalized plan. No fad diets, no extreme activity - a customized weight loss program designed specifically for you.

With Nuviva, you’ll work with a qualified weight loss doctor and your personal nutrition coach to focus on long-term health and wellness while getting you results you can see in the mirror. And, you’ll never have to face questions or challenges alone. Whether you need a boost of motivation or quick answers to your nutrition questions, we’re with you every step of the way towards your weight loss goals.




This FDA approved Glucagon-like peptide- 1 (GLP-1) is a powerful medication that can help reduce appetite and food intake, helping you eat less while feeling full by slowing gastric emptying. It has also been shown to lower blood sugar, improve Hemoglobin A1C and control cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Semaglutide is a powerful tool when wanting to follow a low-calorie diet.

LEARN MORE about Semaglutide


Approved by the FDA for both diabetes and weight loss. Tirzepatide is a combination of a Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). Tirzepatide can help to reduce blood sugar, lower Hemoglobin A1C, reduce appetite, slow down gastric emptying, and control cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Tirzepatide has been proven to deliver up to 22.5% weight loss in overweight and obese individuals in the SURMOUNT-1 clinical trial over a 72-week study.

LEARN MORE about Tirzepatide


We offer fat burning peptides and growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRPs). Fat burning peptide have been shown to help improve metabolism, increase lean muscle, and provide anti-aging benefits. GHRPs offer numerous benefits including decreasing body fat, improving sleep, increase your resting metabolic rate to additional anti-aging benefits.

B12/MIC (Methionine, Inositol, Choline) Injection

B12/MIC is an injection of vitamins and amino acids that is an important part of the Nuviva medical weight loss program. It ensures your bogy receives all the necessary nutrients and helps increase energy while burning fat.

LEARN MORE about B12

Wellness Shots

We offer a variety of add on wellness shots that help to improve your immune system, increase energy, and also provide anti-aging benefits.
• Glutathione
• NAD+
• Vit D3
• Tri-Immune



Phentermine (Fastin, Adipex) is a prescription-only, FDA approved medication that is approved for short term use as an appetite suppressant for the management of obesity. Phentermine has been available on the market since the 1950s. It works for weight loss by telling your brain that you are not hungry.



I wanted someone to help me navigate how to gain and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have been through other nutritional counseling before. I found the Nuviva program to be much more realistic.

I travel a lot, both domestically and internationally. I found that the food choices I was guided towards were easier for me to maintain while I am on the road, living out of hotels and traveling.

One of the other reasons I was interested in Nuviva was that I noticed not only do they work wth people that are trying to lose weight or have weight related medical issues, but they also work with people who are physically active. I do a lot of long distance running and participate in several marathons a year. Maintaining the right level of nutrition during the training and the marathons is key. Nuviva helped me increase my performance through their nutritional guidance.

One of the benefits I wasn’t expecting was that through proper nutrition I was able to get off the statins I was taking for cholesterol, at my doctor’s recommendation. He’s quite pleased with my blood work and quite excited to keep me on the program.

Nina B.

I could tell Nuviva was differt.

I’ve lost 40 lbs in four months.

Before Nuviva I had tried several different things but they all gave me short term results. I had tried a low carb diet, pre-packaged food and different types of activities and exercise.

I never used to weigh myself. It was the moment I looked at pictures of myself and I didn’t like what I saw that I decided to make a change. I could tell Nuviva was different from the beginning. And it worked!


I wanted a different life.

I’ve lost 44 lbs in four months.

Before Nuviva I always felt tired, I had no activity during my day. I was making very bad food choices and I was very inactive. I came to Nuviva because I wanted a different life. I wanted to feel better and look better.

My experience at Nuviva was great. The staff is very friendly and encouraging. They were congratulatory when I had a good week and help when I didn’t have a good week.

Nuviva taught me how to eat right portion control. It taught me not only what to eat but how to keep the weight off for the long run. That’s the most important part. The things I’ve learned at Nuviva are going to stick with me for the rest of my life.

Tiffany B.

I am 44 and started to feel like I was in my sixties.

I’m 44 years old. I have two kids, 5 and 11. Let’s just say I started to feel like I was in my sixties with two kids. I was almost 207 pounds and did not have the stamina to go through my day, as well as after school and the other activities. I’ve lost 60 pounds.

Versus other programs, I felt Nuviva was more of a lifestyle change and it is educational based. While other programs will tell you to eat this shake or eat this bar. Well, what are you going to do afterwards? Are you still going to eat that shake or eat that bar any longer? No, you’re not. What I found with Nuviva is it is more of an education in nutrition, you learn the basic fundamentals. You’re going to learn how to step off and into the next phase of your life.

Krista P.

I lost 100 lbs.

I had a lot of medical issues and all of these issues were traced back to me being so overweight. I was in my early twenties and decided it was time for change.

I am a teacher and I work with small kids. I found myself tired all the time and not able to keep up with the kids. I can do my job in a way I never thought I could before.

The team at Nuviva was so supportive. I loved the accountability. I loved the support. I loved being able to set a goal for myself and just take it week by week. We’d aim for three to four pounds a week and I didn’t feel the pressure of trying to lose 100 pounds all at once. Without the support from the Nuviva team, I don’t think I would have been able to do it.

Nuviva is different from other programs. It’s not a diet. It’s a lifestyle change and what I have learned here will always be a part of my life. Nuviva isn’t a strict diet with limited food options. I was taught how to count calories, how to make sure I have the right amounts of healthy fats, protein and fiber in my diet. I will use these tools for the rest of my life.

I would recommend Nuviva to anyone who wants to lose weight; whether its 10 pounds or 100 pounds. This is also coming from someone who when I first walked into the clinic, I told Dana I was going to lose 20 pounds and this wasn’t going to work. 100 pounds later, here I am. Because this is a program that really works.

How fast will I lose weight on the program?

Traditional weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week, but we commonly see those who follow our guidelines lose even more depending on their overall weight and how far they are from their weight loss goal.

Am I guaranteed to lose weight with Nuviva?

At Nuviva, we do not guarantee weight loss. Our program is designed to allow every client the opportunity to work with our staff to lose as much weight as they safely can if they are following the program. We do not require any contracts or take any upfront fees. If you’re not losing weight, you can discontinue your service with us at any time. We want to help you lose as much as you safely can and will guide you with as much education and support as possible. We want you to be able to stop at any time if you feel we are not the right fit for you.

Do I have to count calories?

The Nuviva weight loss program consists of five unique phases. Each phase has a different approach to dieting. In some phases, calorie counting is necessary, and in other phases, macronutrients are counted. By learning how to monitor both calories and macros, our program sets you up to identify better food choices in the future.

Do I have to come every week?

Part of what Nuviva offers is accountability. Without weekly check-ins, we are not able to provide that accountability for you to make sure you see consistent progress. We can allow certain exceptions but recommend you speak with the coach at your clinic to work out an accountability schedule. We do offer virtual visits as well if you can’t make it to one of our locations in person. A coach will work with you from the comfort of your own home.

How long is the program?

As long you need or want! We do not have long-term contacts. Our program runs one week at a time. You tell us when you are happy and have achieved your goal!

Does the program work for everyone?

Almost every person who sticks to the Nuviva program sees results. In rare scenarios, such as having a specific medical condition that first needs to be addressed, results may vary. However, everyone can benefit from eating a healthier diet.

Do you help children?

We can help those under the age of 18, but it requires a parent’s authorization.

Do I have to take the medications?

No. Weight loss medications are provided as part of our all-inclusive program, but they are not required.

What is included in the program?

Nuviva offers an all-inclusive program. That includes all weight loss supplements, medications (appetite suppressant, peptides, Vitamin B12/MIC), nutritional coaching services, blood work, EKG and doctor exam.

What makes Nuviva different or better than other programs?

With Nuviva, you are not just a number. You work one-on-one with our nutrition coach to customize the program to your needs. Plus, our program is all-inclusive, so you are not surprised with hidden costs.

Nuviva is based on eating real food to lose weight and is not focused on prepackage or frozen meals. With a highly effective diet plans, we also include multiple nutrition options, so you don’t get tired of eating the same foods.

Finally, we teach you how to lose the weight AND keep it off!

Do you provide food?

No, our patients see the best long-term success when they learn how to shop, prepare, and cook healthier food for themselves.

Will I see a medical provider?

Yes, you will meet with one of our medical practitioners to make sure you are healthy enough for the program, medications, and supplements.

Which weight loss plan is best?

There is no perfect weight loss plan for everyone. That is why we offer a five-phase program, so our team of specialists can help you find the best weight loss strategy for you.

Do weight loss pills work?

Weight loss pills (also known as appetite suppressants) are great for lowering your appetite and helping you make good decisions when trying to reach your goals.

What is Semaglutide and how does it work for weight loss?

Semaglutide is a medication that works mimicking a hormone in the body that regulates blood sugar levels. It works by reducing appetite and increasing feelings of fullness, leading to lower food intake and weight loss.

Will I be hungry while using the Semaglutide or Tirzepatide injections?

The goal of both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide is to reduce your hunger, help you feel full faster and help to control cravings. It is still necessary to eat while using these medications to maintain muscle mass and a healthy metabolism. We do not recommend using so much that you have no appetite.

Will I feel sick or nauseous while using Semaglutide or Tirzepatide?

Feeling nauseous is one of the common side effects of either of these GLP-1 medications but taking the correct amount can help to mitigate that feeling. Our staff will work with you each week to help you determine the correct dose to avoid the unwanted side effects while still benefiting from the many weight loss focused benefits they offer. We do offer antinausea medications like Zofran if they are needed.

Is Semaglutide safe for long-term use?

Semaglutide has been shown to be safe for long-term use in clinical trials. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new medication to ensure it is safe and appropriate for you.

How soon can I expect to see results with Semaglutide?

Results with Semaglutide can vary from person to person, but many individuals may start to see weight loss within the first few weeks of starting the medication.

Are there any side effects associated with taking Semaglutide?

Some common side effects associated with taking Semaglutide include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. These side effects typically subside over time as the body adjusts to the medication.

Can Semaglutide be used in combination with other weight loss medications?

Semaglutide can be used in combination with other weight loss medications, but it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure there are no interactions or contraindications

What is Tirzepatide and how does it differ from Semaglutide?

Tirzepatide is another weight loss medication that works by a different mechanism than Semaglutide. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduce appetite.

Is Tirzepatide more effective for weight loss than Semaglutide?

The effectiveness of Tirzepatide for weight loss compared to Semaglutide may vary from person to person. Both medications have been shown to be effective in clinical trials.

Are there any specific dietary guidelines to follow while taking Tirzepatide?

There may be specific dietary guidelines to follow while taking Tirzepatide, such as avoiding high-fat or high-calorie foods. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or nutritionist for personalized recommendations

How often do I need to take Tirzepatide for optimal results?

The frequency of taking Tirzepatide may vary depending on the individual’s needs and goals. It is important to follow the prescribed dosing schedule provided by a healthcare provider.